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Spinning Planets


Learn the planets of our Galaxy and spin around them in an intergalactic journey!

A set of 9 wooden spinning tops – 8 planets & 1 spaceship –, 8 Info Cards & 24 Mission Cards that has multiple layers of educational & play value:

  1. Ages 5+: Gain your first knowledge of our solar system (front view of Info Cards)
  2. Ages 6+: Learn how to spin the Planet Tops

3a. Ages 8+: Learn more about the Planets (back view of Info Cards)

3b: Ages 8+: Play the Intergalactic Missions Game (Mission Cards):

  • Pick a Mission Card
  • Place the Planet Tops on the game board, as seen in the Card
  • Spin the Spaceship Top at the specified start Point
  • Hold & Tilt the Board with your hands so to navigate your Spaceship to your indicated destination!

A creative & innovative game to educate yourselves for our solar system, to develop your fine-motor skills & hand-eye coordination and to enhance creativity and spatial perception!.

*Multi-language Instructions Booklet included.

Presentation Video: 

Materiallocust wood
Size28 × 28 × 5.6 cm
Min. Order4

WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Risk of choking! Contains small parts that may be swallowed. Please retain this information for future reference.

All of our products have been tested and successfully passed the most strict tests conducted by independent testing labs, according to the Toy Safety Regulations of EN71 and ASTM.

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